I am behaving like boys. Is there something wrong with me?

Your problem is what we call identity problem, especially related to the gender factor. For some reason you are unable to accept the fact that you are a girl. You do not seem to feel nice about being a girl and thus you have been dressing up like a boy. Normally, upto a certain age boys and girls are almost indistinguishable in terms of their clothing and attires, but after the bodily changes that occur during puberty and adolescence, girls generally start wearing feminine clothes. This is also the time when boys and girls are attracted towards each other physically and the boys are interested in you as a girl than as one of them.

Both boys and girls have their own wonderful qualities and none is less than the other. Whether it is studies or occupation or any other area of life, both do equally well and none is inferior to the other. However, there are certain things in life that the masculinity of the boys may be able to accomplish better, while there are certain other things in life which the femininity of girls will be able to successfully manage. Many a time, you do not like being a girl because you feel you are not valued by parents, teachers or society which all show preference to the boys. That happens because of certain cultural norms and traditions. Trying to be something that one is not, will only create more and more conflict, anxiety and unhappiness. It is important to feel happy and proud of what one is, not because one is a male or female, but because of what one has been able to accomplish in the best possible manner. Think of yourself as a student, daughter and friend and how well you have been able to play effectively all these roles and how proud you have made your parents.

You need not rush into changing your style of clothing, etc., but what you need to do is to occasionally, that is, once a fortnight or a month, or on some festival days, dress up like a girl and see as well as experience how nice it feels. As you start wearing feminine clothes, you will get used to it in course of time and also you may not only start accepting these dresses but also enjoy being a girl.


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