Why the red wolf is considered an endangered animal?

            The red wolf or the Florida wolf is one of the two species of wolves native to the Eastern United States. The other one is the gray wolf. The name red wolf comes from the reddish colour of the animal’s fur. Otherwise, these wolves are mostly brown and buff coloured. They are highly social animals living in packs, known to avoid humans and human activities. Raccoons, rabbits, white-tailed deer, nutria, and other rodents form their main diet.

            Red wolves are in the news often because of their decreasing number. It is one of the critically endangered species in the world, as classified by the IUCN Red List in 1996.

            Red wolves started disappearing by the 1990s. The belief that red wolves cause cattle loss is widespread, and this has resulted in indiscriminate killing of these animals in remote areas. Land clearing, hunting, logging, road development, mineral exploration, etc., too have affected this helpless species.

            The current wild population of red wolves is at its worst ever – there are less than 100 left.

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