Why is the black rhinoceros an endangered animal?

            The black rhinoceros is a species of rhinoceros found mainly in Eastern and Southern Africa. Rhinos in general, are the oldest groups of mammals.

            In spite of its name, the animal’s colour varies from brown to grey. They are mostly solitary beings that have a sharp hearing, and a keen sense of smell. Their skin is special too, strong enough to protect them from external injuries.

            Most black rhinos have two horns, and sometimes, a third one too. These horns make them profitable targets for illegal trades. It is said that between 1970 and 1992, more than 90 per cent of the black rhinos in Africa were killed, mainly because of poaching.

            This dangerous activity is rampant across countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Rhino horns are also taken to Asian countries like Vietnam where they are in great demand. As a result, black rhinoceros have become critically endangered.

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