What makes the blue-throated macaw rare?

            The blue-throated macaw is a rare parrot that can be spotted only in the northern parts of Bolivia in South America. They mostly inhabit palm groves and savannas in the northern parts of the country. With their turquoise blue and yellow plumage, blue cheeks, and long elegant tails, the macaws are unusually attractive. However, we just don’t get to see them at all!

            It is said that until the 1970s, blue-throated macaws mostly remained unknown. But as soon as they became popular, the illegal trade of these birds began. The fact that the species is rare made them all the more expensive and sought-after in the international pet market.

            The trade became so intense that at one point, there weren’t any wild specimen. Luckily, by 1992, the birds were rediscovered. However, the wild population of blue-throated macaws still remains fragmented, and as low as 400!

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