Why is edible salt iodized?

            Iodine is an essential nutrient which is required in minute amounts for normal growth of animals and humans. Iodine deficiency results in impairment of the functioning of the thyroid gland which produces ‘thyroxine’ hormone. Since thyroxine controls the rate of body metabolism and growth, iodine deficiency leads to a variety of disorders like goiter in children or adults and impaired mental functioning, poor intellectual performance and muscular disorders in children. Women with iodine deficiency give birth to still-born babies.

            Iodization of salt offers the most convenient way of combating iodine deficiency. Firstly, because salt is an essential ingredient of our diet and secondly one can never take too much of it. So by iodization of common salt a minimum intake of iodine can be ensured for the entire population thereby minimizing the incidence of iodine deficiency.