Why is it said that the 1903, Nobel Prize in Physics was a family affair for the Curies?

            Pierre Curie was a French physicist, and one of the pioneers in radioactivity. He and his wife, Marie Curie, along with Henri Becquerel, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903, for their research on radiation.

            Pierre was born on 15th May, 1859. He received his early education at home before entering the Faculty of Sciences at the Sorbonne. In his early studies on crystallography, together with his brother Jacques, Pierre discovered piezoelectric effects.

            The marriage of Pierre and Marie Curie resulted in a scientific dynasty. Their children and grandchildren also became noted scientists. Pierre and Marie’s daughter Irene and their son-in-law Frederic Joliot-Curie were also physicists involved in the study of radioactivity, and each received Nobel prizes for their work as well. The Curies’ other daughter Eve married Henry Richardson Labouisse, Jr., who received a Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of UNICEF in 1965.

            Pierre was killed in a street accident in Paris on 19th April 1906.

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