Why do we get headache?

There are many reasons for headaches. It is, however, believed that we feel the ache when pain signals are sent to the brain by nerves in the face, neck and the back. They arise out of a common root called the cranial nerve. That is why any factor which causes stimulation of pain nerves in and around the face is felt as a headache. We get headaches when the muscles in our eyes get strained, like when we read very small print or read for very long hours, or if our eyes have some defect such as a squint. Headaches can also occur when the tiny bones in the inner ear which pick out the sound for us to hear get tired or if our neck muscles get strained. There is one form of headache called migraine which periodically occurs in some persons for no apparent reason. Migraine can be triggered by many factors such as eating ice creams or fatty foods, cold, dehydration or allergies to certain food items. Aching teeth and sores in the mouth can also induce a headache.