Storing the Sun’s power

There are times when we need a lot of electricity, and there are times when we need very little electricity. To make sure we have electricity when we need it, scientists have discovered ways to store solar power.




These lamps store solar power.

A battery is a store of energy. Solar cells can store energy from the Sun in a battery. The battery releases the electricity when it is needed, such as at night. During the day, the solar cells replace the energy that has been used from the battery. This is called recharging.








The Sun powers up batteries in this back-pack.

Solar-powered back-packs can provide portable power for a music machine or a computer. During the day, sunlight recharges the batteries for the music machine or computer. Carrying a supply of energy in a back-pack is useful for people living or travelling in remote places.









Solar power works best in hot and sunny countries.

Places that receive lots of sunshine have the most useful solar power systems. But even in hot countries, the Sun does not shine at night. Solar power can be stored in batteries or it can be used alongside other fuels such as natural gas.