Uses for oil


Around 85 percent of refined oil is made into different types of fuel. This fuel is used to power vehicles. It is also used to heat our homes, schools and workplaces. In power stations oil is used to produce electricity.



Oil is used to power these vehicles.

We use one third of the world’s oil to make fuel for transport. Oil burns easily and is a good source of energy. Crude oil is used to make fuels such as petrol, diesel and aviation fuel. These fuels provide the energy that powers cars, trucks, ships, trains and planes.













Oil keeps car parts moving smoothly.

Vehicles and machines need oil to keep their moving parts working. Grease, brake fluid for the brakes and gear lubricants are all made from crude oil. Using lubricant oils prevents wear and tear on moving parts and makes machines last longer.





Oil can be used to make electricity.

We burn oil in power stations to make electricity. When the oil is burned it releases its energy as heat. The heat boils water and makes steam. The steam then turns turbines which generate electricity.