Oil Running out

Oil took millions of years to form. Once it is used, it cannot be replaced. We are using it up quickly and one day it will run out. Think about all the things we use oil for. What will happen once the oil has run out?



This graph shows how oil may run out in the future.

Oil is non-renewable. This means that it cannot be replaced. Once it has been used up, it is gone forever. About half the world’s oil resources have already been used. Oil is expected to run out in about 40 years’ time. In the future, if no more oil is found, less and less oil will be produced. The oil that is left will be much more expensive.






Many people in cold areas rely on oil to heat their homes.

Many people live in places that have very cold winters. Heating their homes by burning oil keeps them warm. When the oil runs out, many people may have problems heating their homes. They will need to use another source of fuel.





Without oil, today’s cars could not run.

Imagine what life would be like without oil. Most forms of transport would stop. Fewer cars, buses, trains, planes or ships could run. This would have a huge effect on our modern life because we rely on oil to power most of our transport.