Wind energy plays an important part in the natural world. Seeds are carried by the wind to land where they grow into new plants. Birds use wind energy to help them travel over long distances. Wind energy also causes damage. It blows over trees, and brings huge waves and storms.







These geese are pushed along by strong winds called tail winds.

Some birds use the energy of the wind. It helps them travel long distances when they migrate from one country to another. Birds find strong winds that push them along. This saves them having to beat their wings as often. These winds are called tail winds. Aircraft also use tail winds to push them along.





The kite is lifted by the wind’s energy.

The wind’s energy can help aeroplanes to reach their destinations more quickly. A wind called the jet stream blows high above the Earth’s surface. If an aeroplane flies in the same direction as the jet stream, it acts as a tail wind. A journey across the Atlantic Ocean takes around one hour less than if the aeroplane flies against the jet stream.







The winds of a tropical cyclone cause great damage.

Tropical cyclones (also called hurricanes or typhoons) are some of the most powerful winds on Earth. They can have winds that travel up to 350 km/hour. Most hurricanes stay at sea, but some come ashore. Their winds destroy buildings and power lines. Hurricanes, such as the one that hit New Orleans in 2005, can cause widespread flooding.