Plastic can be recycled and made into something new. This helps to save oil. Recycling plastic is difficult because there are so many different types of plastic. Each type of plastic is recycled in a different way.








These plastics bottles have numbers printed on the bottom.

Different types of plastic need to be separated out before they can be recycled. Many plastic containers have a code number printed on them to show what type of plastic they are made from. This helps to sort the plastic out into different types ready for recycling.







These plastic bottles will be recycled.

Recycled plastic bottles are squashed into big blocks and taken to a factory. The plastic bottles are cut up into small flakes and washed and dried. Finally, they are melted down and made into new plastic objects.









These things are made from recycled plastic.

 Recycling our plastic helps to save oil. Nearly two tonnes of oil are saved every time a tonne of polythene plastic is recycled. Recycled plastic is used to make many things such as furniture, seed trays, fences, sewer pipes and carpets.