Plastics for health


Plastic can be used to keep us healthy. Hospitals use plastic because it is clean and safe. Plastic tubes are used in hospital to give us medicine. Blood is stored in plastic bags. We are given injections with plastic syringes.






These teeth are made from plastic.

As people grow older, they may lose their teeth. If this happens, they can have new ones made from plastic. Plastic teeth are hard perfect for chewing. They are shaped to look exactly like our own teeth. Even better, they will never need fillings!




This plastic hand looks real.

Plastic is used to make artificial parts of the body such as legs, arms, hands and ears. They are made to look real and are used to replace those lost in accidents or through illness. Artificial legs help people to walk.










Plastic can help us move again.

When we get older, our joints such as the hip or knee sometimes wear away and become very painful. An artificial joint made from plastic and metal can be used to replace the damaged joint so that people can move again without pain.