How is plastic made?






Oil is drilled and pumped out of rocks in the ground. Sometimes oil is found in rocks under the sea. A platform called an oil rig is used to reach under-sea oil. It stands or floats in the sea and drills the oil from the rocks.







Oil is taken here to be made into different things.

Crude oil is taken to an oil refinery by a pipeline or huge oil tanker (ship). The refinery is like a huge factory where the oil will be separated into different things. Care must be taken when transporting oil. If the oil spills it can damage the natural environment.








The oil is heated and separated in a big tower. The oil is separated into different chemicals by heating it in a huge tower. As the oil gets hotter the different chemicals in it boil, turn into gases and separate out. When the separate gases cool down again, they turn back into liquids. The liquids are collected. Naptha is one of these liquids. Naptha is turned into plastic called polythene, which is used to make many different plastics.