Which was the first advanced civilization in Indian subcontinent?

               The Indus Valley Civilization was the largest of the ancient civilizations. As the name suggests, the civilization bloomed on the banks of the Indus River and its tributaries. It included most of present day Pakistan, and extended up to the Indian states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab.

               This civilization was amazingly advanced. The cities were defended by walls and forts. Trade flourished. The civilization mastered the craft of making copper, bronze, lead and tin. They had a highly developed sense of hygiene. Mohenjo-Daro alone had over 600 wells and sewers. They even had a language of symbols called the Indus Valley script. This civilization began around 2600 BC, and died out by 1900 BC. According to some historians, Indus Valley Civilization is called as Dravidian because of language and culture.