Why the Khazars are considered unusual?

            The Khazar people were an unusual phenomenon for medieval times. Surrounded by savage and nomadic tribes, they had a structured government, vast and prosperous trading, and a permanent army. At a time, when great fanaticism and deep ignorance ruled over Western Europe, the Khazar state was famous for its justice and tolerance.

            The Khazars were originally from Central Asia. From about 550 to 630, the Khazars were part of the Western Turkish Empire. When the Western Turkish Empire was broken up as a result of civil wars in the middle of the 7th century, the Khazars successfully asserted their independence. At its maximum extent, the independent country of Khazaria included the geographic regions of Southern Russia, Northern Caucasus, Eastern Ukraine, Crimea, Western Kazakhstan, and North-western Uzbekistan. Khazaria acted as a buffer state between the Islamic world and the Christian world.

              The history of Khazaria presents us with a fascinating example of how Jewish life flourished in the Middle Ages. At a time when Jews were persecuted throughout Christian Europe, the kingdom of Khazaria was a beacon of hope. Jews were able to flourish in Khazaria because of the tolerance of the Khazar rulers, who invited Byzantine and Persian Jewish refugees to settle in their country. Due to the influence of these refugees, the Khazars found the Jewish religion to be appealing, and adopted Judaism in large numbers.