What is the legend about the beginning of Rome?


             The founding of Rome goes back to the very early days of civilization. According to legend, Rome was founded by the twins, Romulus and Remus, who were the sons of the War God, Mars. An evil uncle took them as babies from their mother, and threw them into the River Tiber to drown. The boys were found by a she-wolf who fed and nurtured them. Then, a shepherd and his wife adopted the boys. Years later, Mars told his twin sons to build a city on the spot where they had been found. The city was Rome.

             Romulus and Remus both wanted to be the only king. They quarrelled, and in a fit of rage, Romulus picked up a rock, killed his brother, and made himself the sole ruler. This legend is one of the most famous in the history of the world. The city of Rome was later to become the heart of the Roman Empire.