What do we know about the beginning of Israel?

               Our knowledge about the early history of the Israelites is based on accounts from the Bible. According to the Bible, Israel owes its beginnings to a man by the name of Abraham. Abraham lived in Mesopotamia, in the city of Ur, around 1900 BC. Abraham and his followers believed in just one all powerful God, who they referred to as Yahweh. These people later became known as the Jews.

               Abraham and his followers eventually left Ur, to found a new civilization in the land of Canaan, which was a fertile, beautiful place. For the next two generations, the Israelites lived in Canaan in relative peace. Abraham’s grandson, named Jacob, was the father of 12 sons. Each of these sons grew to become leaders of their own tribe. These tribes became known as the 12 tribes of Israel.

               Because of severe food shortage, the Jews later were enslaved by the Egyptians. Four hundred years later, their prophet Moses led them out of Egypt, and to the Promised Land which we now know as Israel. The first king of Israel was King Saul, who was followed by King David. It was during David’s time, that Jerusalem became the capital of Israel.