Why Tiglath Pileser III is called the true founder of the Assyrian Empire?

               Tiglath Pileser III was a prominent king of Assyria in the eighth century BC. He seized the Assyrian throne during a civil war, killed the royal family, and made sweeping changes to the Assyrian government, thereby considerably improving its efficiency and security. He also started a major phase of Assyrian expansion by subjecting Syria and Palestine to his rule, and merging Babylonia with Assyria.

               In an effort to gain power, Tiglath-Pileser III subdivided large provinces that were trying to become independent. He quickly consolidated power, and initiated effective reforms in the empire’s military and administrative apparatus. He appointed Assyrian officials, who reported directly to him, and made them responsible for taxation and arranging for a professional army.

               Tiglath Pileser III introduced the policy of transplanting or moving people from their home provinces to new places. By doing this, Tiglath Pileser III made his subjects dependent upon their king for protection in their new homes and also discouraged revolts. Tiglath Pileser is considered to be one of the most successful military commanders in history, bringing most of the world known to the ancient Assyrians under his control before his death. He is, in fact, considered to be the true founder of the Assyrian Empire.