Who was the founder of the United States of America?

               George Washington is called the founder of the United States of America. He is revered by all Americans as the father of the nation. He had a quality which was much more vital than any other gifts and that was his strength of character. A man of conviction, he was a fearless and determined person who believed in carrying out his duty. And thus his fellow Americans considered him their leader. After his death it was said of him that ‘he was first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen’.

               George Washington was born on 22nd February, 1732. His father Augustine Washington was a naval captain who died when George was only 12 years old. He did not receive much education during his childhood. In the Virginian society of those days it was considered more important to learn riding well and to acquire knowledge of farming and estate management. He learned enough arithmetic for his routine work to manage the estate, which he inherited from his father.

               Physically strong and already trained in riding, shooting etc; Washington was made a Lieutenant Colonel in the Virginia militia and sent on an expedition against the French, who were building forts on the Chio River. Later, when General Braddock was sent to fight the French, George was made his aide. Unfortunately Braddock was killed, George, however, showed great courage during the fighting and at the age of twenty three he was made Commander-in-Chief of all the Virginia forces.

               Washington was willing to sacrifice anything for the cause of American defence. When war broke out in 1776 Washington was elected unanimously to lead the army of the 13 colonies to fight the British. The war continued for several years. In 1781 the British surrendered. This was the greatest achievement of Washington.

               In 1789 Washington was unanimously elected as the first President of the United States. The new capital of USA was named after the first President — George Washington. He served two terms as President and refused a third term.

               He died on 14th December in 1799. His birthday is a National holiday in USA.