What are the features of the Indian tree pie?

          The Indian tree pie is a small bird, with mainly chestnut coloured plumage. But its head and neck are black in colour. Although it is only as big as a mynah, it has a long tail of about 30 cm.

          These birds can live wherever there are trees, like in open forests, city parks and gardens. They have a diverse menu, including insects, reptiles, small birds, fruits, nectar and even garbage. Stealing eggs from other nests is a weakness of these birds. But since they are efficient at searching for and trapping pests, they are considered to be of great help to farmers cultivating palm trees. Their nests will be situated high on tree branches. They like to stay hidden in leaf cover, but are adventurous and curious. They often follow one another while moving through branches.

          These birds are found in almost all parts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand.