What makes the common raven a familiar bird in India?

            The common raven is a large bird found in dry or mountainous deserts and grasslands. It is totally glossy black in appearance and has a thick bill. They are exceptionally intelligent birds that can be seen flying very high in the air, with outstretched wings.

            This bird has lived along with humans for a long time past. Sometimes, these birds were so large in number that they were literally considered as pests. Dead, decaying flesh of animals is the favourite food of ravens. At the same time, they lead a ‘thug’s life’, stealing eggs or little birds, from other nests. They may even prey upon other adult birds, if they get a chance. They have an average lifespan of around 21 years.

            In India, common ravens are found in Jammu and Kashmir to Arunachal Pradesh. They are also found in Europe, North Africa, Central America and other regions of Asia.