Why is the chestnut-bellied nuthatch a prominent nuthatch in India?

            The chestnut-bellied nuthatch is a small, beautifully   coloured bird with a grey plumage all over and a chestnut coloured belly, as its name suggests. This noisy bird has a short tail and is short and stout in appearance. Found in thick forests and groves, they may set out in search of food as singly, in pairs or in mixed hunting groups. They build nests in tree holes, the openings of which they customize to a suitable size, using mud plastering. Their diet is a mixed one, containing insects, seeds and nuts which can be found in trees. They are skilled in opening hard nuts and seeds. These small birds can cling efficiently to tree barks and can move up or down as they wish, by hopping step by step.

            The chestnut-bellied nuthatches are very common in India, mainly in the northern foothills, eastern peninsular hills and Western Ghats. Outside India, they are seen in Myanmar, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal in plenty of numbers.