Why is it said that the little heron is a popular species in India?

            The little heron is a small, dark heron very popularly seen in most parts of India, except the Northwest. These birds’ also known as striated herons have a black colour on the top of the head and lines along the cheek and the bills. If found in shadows they will appear mostly black. These little birds do not like company and are always found singly.

            They do not migrate to anywhere and are always confined to pools, streams, mangroves etc. They hide in vegetation to stalk their prey, by sitting on a low branch just above the water level. From there, they can easily spear a passing fish, frog or an insect. They also build their nests close to ground in shrubs, small trees or even on covered ground near water. If you intimidate their young ones, they will instantly stretch their necks out, with the bills pointed towards sky. Amusingly, we don’t know clearly what the use of this ‘drama’ is.

            The little herons are common in Africa, other parts of Asia, Indian and Pacific islands. It was thought for long that the green heron found in North America and the little heron belong to the same species.