How is ultrasound useful for animals?

            There are quite a lot of animals that make use of ultrasound for purposes like navigation, communication, catching preys, avoiding obstacles etc. Let’s look at a few examples.

            Marine animals like dolphins and toothed whales are very famous for their sonar, which employs sounds from 250 Hz to 220 kHz.

            Then, there are the bats that have a variety of ultrasonic ranging techniques. They enable the mammals to detect preys and avoid obstacles, even in thick darkness.

            There are also many insects that have excellent ultrasonic hearing abilities. For example, like moths, beetles, lacewings, praying mantis etc. They use their skill to listen to echo locating bats. Upon hearing a bat, they make plans to escape being caught.

            Another group of animals that are responsive to ultrasonic sounds is mice. The next in the category of animals that can perceive high frequencies are dogs and cats.