Pneumonia is a disorder of one or both the lungs usually caused by micro-organisms such as pneumococcus and myco-plasma. It may also be caused by exposure to radiation, such as X-rays, or by breathing in chemical fumes or powders. Its affliction causes irritation in the sacs of the lungs. At this stage, the body pours fluids and white blood cells into air sacs to fight the infection. Pneumonia may develop when a person is already ill, either very young or old, or when the immune system is not very strong.

          The symptoms of pneumonia include chills, fever, chest pain, cough and difficulty in breathing. Frequently, the infected person coughs out rust-coloured phlegm – mucous that contains blood from the irritated lung tissues. The symptoms usually last from seven to ten days until the body’s defence mechanism begins to gain control over the disease.

            Its remedy includes administering of antibiotics that make the patient feel better at a faster pace. Antibiotics have played a major role in reducing the number of deaths due to pneumonia.

           Pneumonia caused by the bacterium pneumococcus is clinically very severe. The pneumococci is present in the bodies of many healthy persons, but is normally kept under control. If the body becomes weak because of sickness, cold, surgery or exhaustion, the pneumococci can quickly upset the body’s defences and cause pneumonia.

          The mycoplasmal pneumonia caused by mycoplasma pneumonia usually afflicts younger people in the age group of 15-20 years. Once afflicted, the body can produce immunity to the organism. The mycoplasma pneumonia grows on the mucous membrane that lines most of the internal lung structures. The bacteria can produce an oxidizing agent that might be responsible for some cell damage. The organism inflames the bronchi and alveoli (air sacs).

          Pneumonia is called after the internal body organs it affects. The lobar pneumonia affects one or more lobes of the lung. Double pneumonia is lobar pneumonia in both lungs. Broncho-pneumonia affects the bronchi and bronchioles, the tubes leading to the lungs.

          Pneumonia is a serious disease that should always be treated by a doctor. The patient should get plenty of rest, fluids and fresh air. He should avoid crowds and contact with other people. Penicillins are the preferred drugs for the treatment of pneumonia.