Why is it said that Thales of Miletus played a major role in the history of electricity?

Thales of Miletus is an important figure in the history of electricity. It is said that he discovered static electricity around 600 BC.

Static electricity was first observed when amber, rubbed with animal fur, got charged, and attracted light objects such as dry leaves, or bits of straw. Even though other people may have noticed this before, it was Thales who first recorded his findings. But Thales has never identified it as static electricity. At that time magnetism was also confused with static electricity.

Later, it was proved that the force that works between amber and animal fur is nothing but static electricity. Thales’ role was remarkable because he was the first to record his findings regarding static electricity. Thales was born in the city of Miletus around the mid 620 BC. He was a philosopher, and astronomer and the one who conducted the earliest studies in electricity. Thales’ findings were recorded but none of them survived to modern times.