Is there a tree with rainbow bark?

A eucalyptus tree species in the Philippines has a fantastic, psychedelic rainbow bark. How did this even happen? Patches of bark peeled out at different stages. The green exposed bark matures and develops different colours. You’d expect that it’d be grown for its beauty, but since paper is more important, they’re grown for wood pulp.

The colorful striations are created due to the fact that the tree doesn’t shed all at once. Slowly, over time, different layers fall off, while other exposed areas have already begun aging. This process makes for a spectacular visual, with the rainbow eucalyptus looking like it could be pulled from Alice in Wonderland. Botanists have identified around 900 species of eucalypts divided into three different groups: Eucalyptus, which make up the bulk of the species; Corymbia, the bloodwood eucalypts mainly found in the north; and Angophora.

Picture Credit : Google 

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