Who first invented the Rocket?

The First Rocket

On March 16, 1926, a strange metal contraption went roaring up into the sky. It climbed until it was only a speck. The world’s first liquid-fuel rocket had just been launched.

That rocket was built by Dr. Robert H. Goddard, an American scientist. And he kept building better rockets through the 1920’s and 1930’s.

Another great rocket was invented by a German engineer named Wernher von Braun. Von Braun’s team built the V-2 guided missile. Later von Braun went to the U.S.A. His team built the rocket that launched the first successful U.S. satellite.

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Who built the first telescope?

The first Telescopes

The first telescope was probably invented in 1608 by a Dutch maker of spectacles named Hans Lippershey. He made his telescope by putting two lenses with slightly different shapes at opposite ends of a tube. The following year, after hearing about Lippershey’s invention, an Italian scientist named Galileo made his own telescope.

Galileo was one of the first people to use the telescope to look at objects in the sky. He made many important discoveries, such as the craters on the moon and the spots on the sun.

Galileo discovered four of Jupiter’s moons and learned that they went around the planet. He was the first to notice that Venus had phases, very much like our moon. He also discovered that the Milky Way Galaxy consisted of many stars.

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