What big companies started in a garage?

Google, Apple, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard (HP) and Amazon are names that are synonymous with the word tech giant. But could you ever imagine that these billion-dollar American companies started their journey from a garage?

HP was the first company among the giants to have commenced its journey from a rented garage in Palo Alto, California. In 1938, Bill Hewlett and David Packard began part-time work at a rented garage with their mentor Frederick Terman, a professor at Stanford University. In 1939, they formalised their partnership, and the rest is history.

Google, co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, started its journey from the garage of Susan Wojcicki in Menlo Park, California in September 1998. Susan Wojcicki is currently the Chief Executive Officer of YouTube.

Apple too started out in the garage of co-founder Steve Jobs’ parents in Los Altos, California. Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne worked on the first Apple Computer in the garage in 1976.

Microsoft meanwhile saw its ideas come to life in a garage at Albuquerque, New Mexico. Co-founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen wrote a version of the BASIC programming while working out of the garage. During their garage stint, the two stayed at a most nearby.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos rented out a house with a garage in Bellevue, Washington and developed the company’s online bookstore website there in 1995.


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When was the snowmobile first invented?

On November 22, 1927, American Carl J E Eliason received a patent for what he called the motor toboggan. The patent, titled “Vehicle for snow travel”, changed human relationship with winter forever. 

Do you live in a place that has a snowy climate? Or have you made a trip to such a place for a winter holiday? If you answered yes to either of the questions, then chances are that you have played with snow, making your own snowman or throwing snowballs at others. While those activities are inarguably fun, you would also know that travelling by foot in deep snow is no easy task.

If the majority of us with two reliable legs find it hard to tread our way through snow, you can imagine how difficult it would be for those with disabilities to their feet. And yet, it was this disability that prompted American Carl J E Eliason to work on an invention for travelling in the snow.

Difficulties posed by snow

The beginning of the 20th Century saw vast improvements in the way people travelled. Apart from automobiles, which quickly became an important part of people's lives, airplanes too made their way, shortening distances like never before. But even the best of automobiles were of limited use in places where the winter saw heavy snowfall, making it difficult to get from one point to another.

Eliason, who lived in Sayner, Wisconsin, the U.S., was far too used to these. Raised in such climes, Eliason loved to hunt, fish and trap – just like every other young outdoors men of the locality. But owing to his foot disability, Eliason often found himself lagging behind others, unable to keep up with his friends during the treks through the snow.

This prompted Eliason to try and come up with a vehicle that would enable him, and others, to overcome the challenges of snow travel. He began by working with a Model T Ford – one of the most popular automobiles of the time – and adapting it to skis, but it neither worked in the deep snows and unploughed roads, nor was it easy to handle in the woods.

Two years of tweaking

He began work on what he called the motor toboggan in the winter of 1924 and it took him the better part of two years to realise what he saw as the most practical means of travelling in the snow. Eliason's invention was made up of a wooden toboggan that was fitted with two skis and steered by ropes. Pushed along by an endless steel-cleated track with slide rails and powered by an outboard motor, the motor toboggan was the precursor to the modern snowmobile.

Eliason applied for a patent for a “Vehicle for snow travel” in March 1927 and received it on November 22 the same year. Even though Eliason wasn't the first to conceive a motorised vehicle for travelling in snow, his motor toboggan was easily the most reliable from a rider's perspective and also the first such vehicle that went on to be mass-produced.

Challenge to opportunity

Eliason didn't stop there as he continued to redesign and improve his machine in the decades that followed. He chose better motors and materials and constantly strove for better performance while personally supervising the assembly of each unit that he sold.

The challenges of winter soon became opportunities as these vehicles enabled travel like never before. The enhanced mobility between certain remote villages and towns, even during severe snowfall, meant that communication too improved manifold. What’s more, travelling this way was so easy and enjoyable that the experience even turned out to be a kind of recreational activity.

Eliason's motor toboggan remained ahead of its time, so much so that the bulk of the design and fabrication of early snowmobiles replicated many of its features. This, in a roundabout sort of way, implies that most of the current snowmobiles can be traced back to the motor toboggan.

As for Eliason himself, he surely did make the most of his invention. As long as there was snow to go about, he was always ahead of the game. While the rest huffed and puffed on foot, he would ride his motor toboggan and get to the destination in the woods at least an hour before his hunting mates.


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What are Research Scientists?

Research Scientists. Chemists, physicists, and all scientists who work to make new discoveries are called research scientists. They go to school for a long time to learn their subject. When they are finished with school, many research scientists work for businesses. Some work for the government of their country. Some work in universities. Do you like to find out how things work? Would you like to make guesses to explain something and then do experiments, or tests, to find out if you are right? Do you like to tell other people about your ideas and discoveries? If so, you may want to become a research scientist yourself!

The purpose of scientific research is to gather information and generate knowledge using both theoretical and experimental means. This work is often divided into pure research, where as yet there is no intended application, and applied research, which has a set target.

Research scientists contribute to knowledge in the fields of the natural sciences, medical science, computer science, environmental science and the social sciences. They make hypotheses, collect data and interpret results in order to answer questions about humans and the natural world. Research scientists normally have either a masters or doctorate degree in their specific fields of study, such as Physics, Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science or Psychology.

A position as a research scientist in industry is different from one at a higher education institute or at a research institution.

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What do Physicists do?

Physicists. Physics is another physical science. Scientists who study physics are called physicists. Physicists study matter, or the “stuff” all things in the universe are made of, and energy. They also study forms of energy, such as heat, light, sound, and electricity. Atomic physicists study atoms and the parts of atoms. The things learned by atomic physicists led to the invention of new kinds of weapons as well as new ways of creating energy.

Physicists typically specialize in one of many subfields, and some will go further to specialize in a subdivision of one of these subfields. However, all physics involve the same fundamental principles.

Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - is research on atoms, simple molecules, electrons and light, and their interactions

Astrophysics - is the study of physical processes in stars and other galactic sources, galactic structure and evolution, the early history and evolution of the universe, and the sun and solar activity

Biological Physics - is the study of biological phenomena using physical techniques

Chemical Physics - provides understanding for a broad range of systems, from atomic collisions to complex materials, as well as the behaviour of the individual atoms and particles that make up the system

Computational Physics - explores the use of computers in physics research and education, as well as the role of physics in the development of computer technology

Condensed Matter Physics - concentrates on such topics as superconductivity, semi-conductors, magnetism, complex fluids, and thin films

Fluid Dynamics - is the study of the physics of fluids with special emphasis on the dynamical theories of the liquid, plastic and gaseous states of matter under all conditions of temperature and pressure

Laser Science - or laser physics is a branch of optics that describes the theory and practice of lasers

Materials Physics - applies physics to complex and multiphase media including materials of technological interest, and uses physics to describe materials in many different ways such as force, heat, light and mechanics

Nuclear Physics - is the study of fundamental problems related to the nature of matter

Particles and Fields - is the study of particles and fields, their interrelationships, interactions and structure, and the design and development of accelerators and instrumentation techniques for high energy physics

Physics of Beams - is the study of the nature and behaviour of beams and the instruments for their production and use

Plasma Physics - plasma, solid, gas and liquid are the four states of matter. Plasma physics is the study of plasma charged particles and fluids interacting with electric and magnetic fields.

Polymer Physics - focuses on the physics of natural and synthetic macromolecular substances.

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What do scientists actually do?

The scientists throughout the world are hard at work. Some are studying atoms and molecules. Others are making discoveries about chemicals, liquids, heat, light, motion, or sound.

Physical scientists learn about how things work in the world and in outer space. They study all matter that is not alive, from tiny atoms to stars and planets.

Scientists work in every field imaginable, and can therefore be found working for an expansive range of employers. Large and small companies will hire scientists to work on products and research projects. Universities will hire scientists to do research work or to teach. Governments and hospitals issue research grants and hire scientists to work on funded projects. Regardless of the path the scientist decides to follow, the ultimate goal is to always add knowledge and insight to the larger scientific community, as well as to help ignite new discoveries for the future.

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What do chemists do?

Chemists. One of the physical sciences is chemistry. Chemists study chemicals and other materials to find out what they are made of. They also learn how these things change when they join with other substances. Chemists take molecules apart and put them together in new ways. They try to find out how chemicals can be used to make things people need, such as fuels, medicines, plastics, and thousands of other materials. Some chemists study how light, heat, and other forms of energy change chemical substances.

A chemist will often work as part of a larger research team in order to create much needed compounds for use in a wide variety of practical applications. A chemist also works to improve the quality of established chemical products and utilizes advanced computer programs to establish new technologies in the field.

Almost every industry benefits from the theories and chemical compounds brought about by research in the chemical sciences.

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All about element No. 85

At any given point of time, there is only about 25 g of astatine that occurs naturally on our planet. If that doesn’t wow you, then it’ll help to nudge you along by mentioning that that is less than two tablespoons of naturally occurring astatine on Earth at any given instant!

When there is so little of something around, it surely is difficult to find it – even when its existence has been revealed. For astatine, it was the periodic table of elements created by Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869 that predicted its existence. It would be over 70 years later that the element is first successfully discovered.

Properties predicted

Mendeleev’s periodic table predicted properties of what was then an unknown element. It was to fill in the blank space left for element number 85 on the periodic table. Positioned right below iodine in the halogen group, Mendeleev called it eka-iodine.

Among the first claims for the discovery of this element came in November 1931. A physicist with controversial methods, American Fred Allison at the Alabama Polytechnic Institute said that he found the element. He even called it alabamine (after Alabama), but as his results couldn’t be replicated and his equipment and methods were shown to be faulty, his claim bit the dust.

Breakout of WWII

Two groups next came close to discovering the element in mineral samples in the 1930s. Horia Hulubei and Yvetter Cauchois were researchers at the Sorbonne in Paris and they used a high-resolution X-ray apparatus to analyse mineral samples. They believed they detected the as-yet-undiscovered element, but World War II put paid to their research.

The other group to suffer a similar fate was headed by Swiss chemist Walter Minder. After observing the radioactivity of radium, Minder suggested that it appeared to have another element present. The chemical tests that he undertook suggested properties like iodine for the element, but he was never able to categorically make a claim.

Produced, finally!

The first recognised discovery of astatine finally came about in 1940. It wasn’t identified in nature, but instead was successfully produced at the University of California Berkeley by researchers Dale R. Coson, Kenneth Ross Mackenzie and Emilio Segre.

Using a particle accelerator, this group of scientists bombarded bismuth with alpha particles to produce an isotope of astatine. Noting that the element produced was both highly radioactive and unstable, they named it astatine – derived from the Greek word astatos meaning unstable.

Even though they reported their discovery, they weren’t able to continue their research much further. This was owing to the demands of World War II, which diverted all the resources devoted to the study of radioactive materials towards the making of nuclear weapons.

Found in nature

Astatine was found in nature for the first time a few years later by Austrian physicist Berta Karlik and her assistant Traude Bernert. While the war was still raging, Karlik was able to identify astatine as an intermediate in radioactive decay chains.

With news not flowing freely during the war, Karlik was under the impression that they were the first to discover element number 85, and they even reported their results along with a name for the element. When made aware of the results from the Berkeley group, Karlik continued to study astatine and was able to expand on the subject of decay chains that form the element.

Astatine, with the symbol At, is the heaviest-known halogen, and is also the least reactive and most metallic within the halogen group. Decades have now passed since astatine was finally discovered, but the element continues to be steeped in mystery. With the longest-known isotope having a half-life of eight hours and only tiny amounts of the element ever produced, studying the element hasn’t been easy.


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What things can't China manufacture yet still today?

There are two areas of advanced industrial processes that China still fails to master:

Chip Making and Jet Turbine Blades.

Indeed there are several Chinese-designed Chips, yet to produce them you need one of these:

It can easily be argued that this is the most advanced piece of machinery in the world. To function it combines laser, radio and EUV optics, semiconductors, robotics, advanced material engineering, industrial chemistry, applied quantum physics.

While Chinese companies are indeed able to engineer their chip-sets, to manufacture them to the last standards they have to lease the technology from European or American companies. Chinese made machines are still about two generations back.

The Chinese aviation industry is indeed making great progress, yet it is nowhere near to be able to manufacture one of these: which in turn means that their jet engines are at least 20 years behind current GE or Rolls-Royce engines. Indeed China has yet to be able to manufacture a single reliable passenger jet despite purchasing Western Engines and avionics, as the Comac C919 project is still riddled with issues.

Once China masters these processes we can definitely state that the “catch-up” phase is complete.


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What is the purpose of Rudram-1 missile?

RudraM-1 is India's first indigenous anti-radiation missile. It was successfully flight tested on October 9 by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), which developed it. Once it is ready for induction. RudraM-1 will part of the tactical weaponry of the Indian Air Force. The new generation anti-radiation missile with a speed of Mach 2 (twice the speed of sound) is likely to be integrated into the IAFS Sukhoi fighter jets.

Purpose of an anti-radiation missile

An anti-radiation missile is a missile designed for use against enemy radars on the ground. Besides detecting these missiles can target radiation-emission sources, jammers (devices used to disrupt signals from reaching) and radios used for communication and Surveillance. Mainly used in the initial part of an air conflict to strike at the air defence systems of the enemy, they can play a crucial role in disrupting jamming platforms and destroying radars, thereby clearing the way for fighter jets to launch attacks. It is also said that the missiles can prevent own systems from getting jammed.

Bang on target

According to the DRDO, RudraM-1, launched from a Su-30 MKI fighter jet, hit the radiation target located on the Wheeler Island off the coast of Odisha with pinpoint accuracy. The target seeking air-to-surface missile has a strike range of 250 km and can be launched from heights of 500 metres to 15 km.

Its navigation mechanism comprises an Inertial Navigation System (a computerised mechanism) and a Global Positioning System, which is satellite-based. Armed with a guidance system called Passive Homing Head, which can detect, classify and engage targets, RudraM-1 can detect radio emissions 100 km away. Once the missile locks onto the radiation target it is capable of hitting it accurately even if the enemy switches off the radar midway.


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What is the mystery of centaurs?

Is it an asteroid? Is it a planet? Is it a comet? If there is a solar system object that neither gives a resounding yes nor a certain no to these questions, then chances are that they belong to a class of celestial objects called centaurs. While estimates for the number of centaurs in the solar system are now placed anywhere above 44,000, they still remain mysterious with secrets to be revealed.

Despite their current count being in the thousands, we have been aware of their existence for less than half-a-century. And it all started in 1977, when Chiron, the first-identified member in what was then a new class of objects, was discovered.

Blink and you miss it

American astronomer Charles Kowal, who had already discovered one of the moons of Jupiter, was searching for peculiar objects in the solar system. Working at the Hale Observatories in California, the U.S., Kowal photographed the skies with telescopes and then examined them on a blink comparator – the device that had enabled American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh to discover Pluto in 1930.

The blink comparator holds two photographic plates and alternates them rapidly. While stars, which are fixed, remain steady as the plates alternate, any moving object – be it a comet, planet or asteroid – appears to jump from one plate to another. Using photographic plates of the sky in the constellation Aries on October 18 and 19, 1977, Kowal was able to discover Chiron on November 1.

How to classify

While media organisations were ready to call it the most distant asteroid discovered or even the 10th planet (Pluto was still classified as a planet in 1977), the astronomers realised that they had a question in their hands as classification wasn’t proving to be straightforward. It eventually became the first centaur, named after the half-human, half-horse being in Greek mythology, a new class of objects.

Chiron was named after the centaur Chiron in Greek mythology, believed to be the wisest and most just among all centaurs. The names of other centaurs in mythology were to be reserved for other objects that were to fall into this type.

The first centaur to be discovered, in fact, was 944 Hidalgo in 1920. It wasn’t until 2060 Chiron was discovered that astronomers realised that these belonged to a distinct group unlike any other in the solar system. Chiron, too, has been identified in images going back to 1895 following its discovery, which enabled us to determine its orbit more accurately.

Many things at once

Centaurs are now known to be a little bit of everything – asteroids, planets and comets. Small solar system bodies orbiting the sun between the outer planets, they usually have unstable orbits and are too small to be observed. Most centaurs inhabit the complex, dynamic region between Jupiter and Neptune.

Observations of 10199 Chariklo, the largest confirmed centaur so far, have revealed that it has a system of rings, akin to the ones popularly associated with Saturn, and also seen with Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. There is a possibility that Chiron too has rings like Chariklo.

While the rings enable centaurs to draw parallels with planets, their colour and composition gives them a different identity. Most of them are either reddish or blue to blue gray in colour. We now know that the blue and blue gray centaurs are dark objects like comets and ones that are red are more like asteroids, having an organic surface.

Blue centaurs are composed of ice and are covered by a layer of dust, much like comets. This, along with highly elliptical orbits, suggests that some centaurs either are, or could become, comets.

Astronomers and astronomical organisations worldwide are involved in both classifying and cataloguing centaurs, whose numbers have been ever-increasing since they were identified to be a separate class of objects. These centaurs, like their namesake, are for now seen to be many things at the same time. They might, however, well be holding clues to some of the questions regarding our solar system for which we are still searching for answers.


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Why is Bennu being studied?

Over 200 million miles away from Earth, a spacecraft called OSIRIS REX studying the asteroid Bennu reached out its robotic arm to carry out a touch and go (TAG) manoeuvre at the site called Nightingale" to collect a sample from the asteroids surface on October 20. The one foot-wide sampling head made contact with Bennu's surface for approximately 6 seconds, after which the spacecraft performed a back away bum. The sample will be returned to Earth in 2023.

What's OSIRIS-REX mission all about?

NASA launched the sample-return mission OSIRIS REX (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification Security. Regolith Explorer) to the near Earth asteroid Bennu (officially 101955 Bennu) in 2016, OSIRIS-REX reached the proximity of Bennu in December 2018. It spent the next several months collecting and sending back data and images to help the NASA team on Earth learn more about the asteroid's composition. In August 2019, NASA selected four candidate sample sites, namely Nightingale, Kingfisher, Osprey, and Sandpiper. In December 2019, Nightingale was confirmed to be the spot to carry out the mission's primary goal of collecting sample from the asteroid's surface.

What are the other objectives of the mission?

1) Mapping the asteroid

2) Documenting the sample site

 3) Measuring the orbit deviation caused by non-gravitational forces and

4) Comparing observations at the asteroid to ground-based observations.

What do we know about Bennu?

  • Bennu is a near-Earth asteroid, discovered in 1999.

  • It is as tall as the Empire State Building and located at a distance of about 200 million miles away from Earth.

  • It is a potentially hazardous object. It has one in 2,700 chances of impacting Earth between 2175 and 2199.

  • It is named after Bennu, an ancient Egyptian mythological bird,

  • Bennu is a "rubble pile" asteroid, which is a grouping of rocks held together by gravity.

  • Bennu completes an orbit around the Sun every 436.604 days and comes very dose to Earth every six years.

  • Bennu contains carbonaceous material which hints at the presence of water sometime in its mysterious past.

  • With the help of OSIRIS-REX, it was found that Bennu was ejecting material from its surface. Some of which fell back down, and some of which seemed to enter stable orbit.

How can the sample from Bennu help us understand the solar system better?

Scientists chose Bennu as the target of the OSIRIS REX mission because of its composition size, and proximity to Earth.

  • Bennu is classified as a B-tube asteroid which means it contains a lot of carbon and minerals. Bennu is a primitive asteroid that has not significantly changed since formation. Scientists have calculated that it might have formed in the first 10 million years of our solar system's history over 4.5 billion years ago. Because of this, scientists hope to find organic molecules on Bennu like those that may have led to the origin of life on Earth

  • By studying Bennu, we can get a clearer picture about the formation of solar system.

  • Knowledge of Bennu's physical properties will be critical for developing an asteroid impact avoidance mission in the future.

What next?

When going to press, NASA had not confirmed whether the arm had successfully collected sample from the surface following the touchdown. The goal was to collect at least 60 grams of sample from the surface.

If it has collected the spacecraft will prepare for its departure from Bennu in March 2021 - this is the next time Bennu will be properly aligned with Earth for the most fuel efficient return flight.

If it had failed to collect enough sample at Nightingale, then two more sampling attempts will be made. The next attempt will take place at the backup site called Osprey, which is another relatively boulder-free area inside a crater near Bennu's equator, on Jan. 12. 2021. Whatever the case may be, the sample will be returned to Earth in 2023,

What are the other asteroid sample return missions?

OSIRIS-REX is the first asteroid sample return mission for NASA. But Japan has launched two such missions. It launched Hayabusa probe in 2003 to collect material from an asteroid called Itokawa. Things didn't go entirely as planned, but Hayabusa did succeed in getting some tiny Itokawa grains to Earth in 2010

In December 2014, Japan launched Hayabusa 2, which collected sample in February 2019 and is scheduled to retum to Earth in December 2020.


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