The Changing Earth

How do we know that the climate has changed?

In more recent times, geologists and paleontologists have been able to make more accurate measurements of the age of ancient rocks. Trees produce a new ‘ring’ every year, and these can be measured and counted. The width of the ring shows how well the tree grew in any year, reflecting climatic conditions at that time. The rings of even partly fossilized trees buried in bogs can be measured, and these measurements provide accurate records of climate changes over the past 750,000 years. By measuring the radioactivity of once living material, scientists can make accurate measurements up to 40,000 years ago. 

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How was oil formed?

Most scientists think that oil was formed from the remains of tiny plants and animals that inhabited the seas millions of years ago. When these creatures died, their remains were buried in layers of rock. Substances in their bodies gradually altered to form oil. Other scientists disagree, and believe that oil formed from carbon-containing materials that were trapped inside the rock when the Earth was formed. Oil is found in rocks buried beneath the continents, and beneath the shallow parts of the oceans. More than half of the world’s known oil resources are in the Middle East. 

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The Changing Earth



Why did the world’s climate change?

The appearance of living things changed the Earth’s atmosphere, providing the conditions for climate change. The first living things were plant-like creatures. They used the Sun’s energy to change carbon dioxide and water into sugars, which they used for food, and oxygen, which they released into the atmosphere. Some of this oxygen turned into ozone, forming the layer that now protects us from the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation. 

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What effect did the Ice Age have on the world and its animals?

During an Ice Age, the enormous weight of the ice sheet presses the underlying rocks down, while those around the edges rise to form hills and valleys. The constant scouring action of glaciers shapes the Earth’s surface, wearing away complete mountain ranges. In an Ice Age, animals are forced to migrate to warmer areas. The ones that cannot adapt, for example mammoths and the woolly rhinoceroses, become extinct. The ice sheets on Greenland and in the Antarctic are the remains of the most recent Ice Age. 

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The Changing Earth

Poisonous air

The Earth’s original atmosphere was very poisonous. It contained almost no oxygen. It consisted of gases such as hydrogen, helium, methane and ammonia, as well as carbon dioxide. It would have been impossible to breathe in such an atmosphere Lightning and the Sun’s radiation caused chemical reactions in these gases, producing some of the substances characteristic of life, and this may have triggered the development of the first primitive life forms.

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How has the Earth been reshaped?

Erosion is one of the most powerful ways in which the Earth’s surface has been altered. Moving ice and flowing water wear away the surface of rocks and cut out valleys, as well as wearing down the peaks of mountains. Along the coast, tides and wave action wear away exposed cliffs, and currents carry away sand and mud to be deposited elsewhere. The tides and wind-blown sand polish and wear away rocks and pebbles. 

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The Changing Earth

What is an Ice Age?

Ice Ages were periods when large parts of the Earth’s surface were covered by sheets of ice. Each Ice Age has lasted about 100,000 years, with gaps between of up to 20,000 years when the weather was warmer and the ice melted. The last Ice Age ended about 12,000 years ago. Ice ages appear in groups in geological time, each lasting for 20 to 50 million years. The oldest known glacial periods were as long as 2.3 billion years ago. A minor ice age began in the 1500s and lasted for 300 years, during which glaciers were more widespread than at any time for thousands of years.

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Gigantic waterfall!

More than five million years ago, the Mediterranean Sea was a dry basin. Then, movements in the Earth’s crust opened up the Straits of Gibraltar between the land masses of Europe and Africa. The waters of the Atlantic Ocean poured through the gap, flooding the basin. The result was the creation of a gigantic waterfall, at least 800 m high, which let through so much water that the whole of the Mediterranean filled up in few years. 

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The Changing Earth


What was the Earth like when it was formed?

The Earth had probably existed for around 3,000 million years before the first signs of life appeared. As it cooled after forming from a ball of hot gases, the Earth would have been a relatively smooth sphere. It was covered with shallow seas that contained a mixture of dissolved chemicals, and surrounded by an atmosphere of mixed gases. The atmosphere was full of swirling clouds of vapour, which probably caused huge electrical storms. 

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When did life first appear?

The first signs of life are thought to have appeared about 3,500 million years ago. Some rocks from this time contain substances that are characteristic of life, although fossils appear from much later. Scientists believe that primitive life forms altered the original poisonous composition of the atmosphere, eventually releasing the oxygen that we need to survive. The seas were probably once filled with a mixture of chemicals from which life may have developed. It is more likely, however, that life first appeared in areas such as those around undersea vents. These first forms of life would have been bacteria and microscopic blue-green algae. 

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Our Planet Earth


What are metals?

Metals are one of the major groups of elements. Most of them are shiny and hard. Mercury is the only metal that is a liquid at normal temperatures. Most metals can be bent and stretched, and they can be mixed to make alloys.

Metals are usually found with other elements in the form of compounds. Bauxite is an ore, or mixture of substances, that contains aluminium, the commonest metal. It makes up about eight percent of the Earth’s crust. Osmium is the heaviest metal, and is twice as heavy as lead. Lithium is the lightest metal. It is half the weight of the sane volume of water, so it floats in water.






How much of the Earth is covered by water?

More than two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered by seas and oceans. About 72 percent of the Earth’s surface is water. This water is either in the oceans, locked away as ice at the poles, or held as water vapour in the atmosphere. All of the Earth’s water is known as the hydrosphere. 









Why is the Earth round?

Gravity pulled the Earth and the other planets into a sphere when they were being formed. The Earth is not truly round, but is slightly flattened making it bulge out at the Equator. This effect is due to the speed with which the Earth spins, causing the Equator to try to fly out from the axis of the spinning Earth. It is rather like a heavy object whirling round on the end of a piece of string. The shape of some of the other planets is distorted in the same way.

Our Planet Earth



What is the Earth made of?

The Earth is made up of elements. These are the simplest possible substances, which are composed of one kind of atom. Elements cannot normally be broken down into other substances, except under the special conditions that you might find inside the hot core of a star. A total of 92 different elements are found in nature. Other elements can be made in laboratories, but they have only a very short life.

Minerals, which make up the solid surface of the Earth, consist mostly of combinations of elements. The minerals gold, diamond and graphite are examples of single elements, while most others contain several elements. 






What are crystals?

Crystals are solid substances that are naturally formed into regular geometric, angular shapes. All crystals can be classified into seven systems. Sometimes a crystal is formed when water evaporates, and substances dissolved in the water gradually grow into a crystal. Other crystals are formed under great pressure. Diamond crystals are made when carbon dissolves in molten rock deep down below the Earth’s surface. The diamond crystallizes out and is later uncovered on the surface either by volcanic action or by erosion of the Earth’s crust. Other valuable gems are formed in a similar way, and most of them contain compounds of aluminium.






What is the Equator?

The Equator is an imaginary line drawn around the outside of the Earth. It lies midway between the North Pole and the South Pole, at the Earth’s broadest point.

The Equator was invented by map-makers because it makes a convenient point from which to measure distances, together with the geographic North Pole and South Pole. On a map, the Equator is positioned at 0 degrees of latitude. It divides the Earth into two halves, which we call the north and south hemispheres. 

Our Planet Earth

What is inside the Earth?

The Earth is not solid rock all the way through. It has an inner core of solid rock, which is mostly iron. The temperature here is probably around 4,500°C. Beyond the inner core is a layer of liquid rock, called the outer core, which extends about halfway to the surface. Beyond this is a thick layer of rock called the mantle, which is partly molten and runny. The thinnest layer, or crust, is on the Earth’s surface, floating on the red-hot liquid mantle. The crust is about 6 km thick under the oceans, but 30 to 40 km thick beneath the land. 





Why is the Earth like a magnet?

The Earth acts as if it is a huge magnet. When the solid rocky core moves inside the liquid rock above it, it creates a magnetic field with a north pole and a south pole. This field surrounds the Earth and extends right out into space. The Earth’s magnetic field is changing constantly. This means that the magnetic north pole is not always the same as the geographic, or true, North Pole that you find on a map, although it wanders about in the same region. Millions of years ago, the north magnetic pole lay in what is now the Sahara desert. 





How old is our Earth?

The Earth is thought to be about 4,600 million years old. The oldest rocks so far discovered are up to 3,800 million years old. The Universe is much older, and probably began about 15,000 million years ago. We can calculate the ages of the Earth and the Universe by examining meteorites, and also by looking at changes in the atomic structure of some of the elements found on the Earth. Radioactive elements decay at a steady rate, and these changes can indicate the age of the Earth and other planets, as well as the age of the stars.