Vercingetorix was a Gallic leader. In fact, he was the best known, and most, able leader of the Gallic opposition to Caesar during the Gallic War of 58-51 BC. Vercingetorix became the leader of the great revolt against the Romans in 52 BC.

          Julius Caesar, upon hearing of the revolt, rushed to put it down. Vercingetorix adopted the policy of retreating to heavy, natural fortifications, and burning Gallic towns to keep the Roman soldiers from living off the land. Caesar and his chief lieutenant Labienus lost minor engagements, but when Vercingetorix shut himself up in Alesia and summoned all his Gallic allies to attack the besieging Romans, the true brilliance of Caesar appeared. He defeated the Gallic relieving force, and took the fortress. Vercingetorix was captured, and put to death.