Recently, Delhi, our capital city, had been in the news due to the high levels of pollution in its atmosphere. Flights had to be cancelled as visibility was reduced to alarmingly low levels. It also caused health issues in the people of the city.

               Pollution happens when water, air, and land become very dirty and pose a danger to the health and wellbeing of living things in general. It can come in four different ways affecting various types of areas in the world.

              Air pollution affects the air in the atmosphere. The use of the automobiles and fossil-fuel-run machines has led to air pollution. Statistics say that fumes from traffic are responsible for releasing over 225,000 tonnes of lead into the atmosphere every year. Lead is harmful for humans and animals.

             Water pollution affects the aquatic life. Harmful factory Wastes dumped in the water bodies pollute water and kill the first level organisms in food chains, thereby putting the lives of other animals in peril. Land pollution, on the other hand, affects the land, destroying soil and environment. There is also noise pollution, which can affect our hearing. Pollution is the most dreadful environmental problem that our planet is facing today.

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