Which are the unique animal in the Ocean?

Fuzzy Biscuits and More

The ocean is full of amazing animals. A sand dollar looks like a fuzzy biscuit, but it’s an animal that lives in the sand. It moves about on many feet that look like tiny tubes. People often find the white coin-shaped skeletons of sand dollars on the beach.

A sea cucumber isn’t found in a garden. It’s an animal with a long round body that looks a little like a garden cucumber. At one end are its “fingers” and mouth. The animal uses its fingers to catch food floating in the water. Then it puts each finger, one at a time, into its mouth and enjoys a tasty meal.

Another unusual animal looks like a creeping pincushion. This creature, called a sea urchin, is related to the starfish, but it is round and plump.

Sea peaches belong to the family of animals called sea squirts. Most kinds of sea squirts are just round bodies with two openings like little mouths. One mouth sucks water in. The other squirts water out. The sea squirt eats the tiny animals and bits of plants in the water it sucks in.