How does a baby bird get out of the egg?

Inside an egg, a tiny baby bird is curled up in a ball. Its head is bigger than its body. Its eyes are closed. All the food it needs is inside the egg. The baby bird has grown so much that it fills up the egg. It is ready to hatch.

The baby bird begins to move inside the egg. The eggshell cracks, the crack grows bigger, and bits of the shell fall off. Soon there is a big hole. The baby bird wiggles through the hole. A new life has begun.

When some kinds of birds hatch, they are helpless. Their eyes are still closed and they have no feathers. They can’t stand on their tiny, weak legs. Birds such as robins and nuthatches are helpless for weeks after they hatch. They need their mothers to feed them and keep them warm. But other kinds of birds can see, walk, and hunt for food soon after they hatch, even though they cannot fly yet. Two days after hatching, a duckling can run, swim, and find food.

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