Mammal Food

The newborn lion cub is hungry. It pushes its way past all its brothers and sisters. Latching onto its mother’s nipple, it drinks her warm, sweet milk.

As the lion cub grows, its jaws become strong. Its baby teeth fall out, and stronger, sharper teeth grow in. The lion cub learns to bite and tear and gnaw and chew. Now it needs more than milk when it is hungry. It needs meat.

Some young animals just follow their mother around and eat whatever she eats. But others need to be taught how to eat grown-up food.

The lion cub follows its mother when she hunts. She lets it play with the animal she has killed. The cub tastes the meat. The young lion finds it likes this kind of food.

Every baby mammal drinks milk for awhile after it is born. But mammals learn to eat the kind of food their parents eat.

Baby antelopes, horses, cows, elephants, and giraffes grow up to eat plants. Lion cubs, wolf pups, and baby walruses grow up to eat other animals. Bears row up to eat both plants and animals. But they all started out drinking mother’s milk.

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