What is Prosthesis?

Prosthetics is the evaluation, fabrication, and custom fitting of artificial limbs, known as “prostheses.” Prostheses enhance the function and lifestyle of persons with limb loss. The prosthesis must be a unique combination of appropriate materials, alignment, design, and construction.

Lower-limb prostheses might address stability in standing and walking, shock absorption, energy storage and return, cosmetic appearance, and even running, jumping, and other athletic activities. Upper-limb prostheses might address reaching and grasping, occupational challenges including hammering, painting, or weight lifting, and activities of daily living like eating, writing, and dressing.

A person’s prosthesis should be designed and assembled according to the person’s appearance and functional needs. For instance, a person may need a transradial prosthesis, but need to choose between an aesthetic functional device, a myoelectric device, a body-powered device, or an activity specific device. The person’s future goals and economical capabilities may help them choose between one or more devices.

Craniofacial prostheses include intra-oral and extra-oral prostheses. Extra-oral prostheses are further divided into hemifacial, auricular (ear), nasal, orbital and ocular. Intra-oral prostheses include dental prostheses such as dentures, obturators, and dental implants.

Prostheses of the neck include larynx substitutes, trachea and upper esophageal replacements,

Somato prostheses of the torso include breast prostheses which may be either single or bilateral, full breast devices or nipple prostheses.

Penile prostheses are used to treat erectile dysfunction, correct penile deformity, perform phalloplasty and metoidioplasty procedures in biological men, and to build a new penis in female-to-male gender reassignment surgeries.


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