What is the importance of wood in our life?

The forests of the world give us wood. Wood is used to make many things. The strong, beautiful wood of such trees as beech, oak, mahogany, teak, and walnut is used in building and to make fine furniture, musical instruments, and woodcarvings. Wood from pine, spruce, and cedar is used to make everything from houses and furniture to pencils.

Much of the wood harvested in the world is used in paper. Without paper, we’d have no print books, no cardboard, and no newspapers. Most paper is made from wood pulp. It takes the timber of thousands of trees to make the paper for just one edition of a large daily newspaper.

Wise foresters are careful to plant trees to replace those they cut down, but it’s important that people reuse and recycle as much paper as they can. Saving our waste paper could save a tree from the axe!

Baseball Bats and Hockey Sticks

Houses, tables, chairs, and floors, Rowboats, pencils, desks, and doors, Baseball bats and hockey sticks, Boxes for magicians’ tricks. Each and every one of these is made of wood that comes from trees.

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