Why are soft drinks bad for your health?

Soft drinks are carbonated beverages. They are commonly also known as soda, soda pop, pop or tonic. While occasional consumption of these types of beverages may not cause any negative effects, drinking them on a regular basis is not healthy. Cutting back on the number of soft drinks you consume — or eliminating them from your diet altogether — is the best way to prevent associated health problems.

Obesity and a high body mass index are risk factors for many chronic health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. While still not a healthy alternative, substituting diet soda for regular soda will at least reduce caloric intake and can help to shed unwanted pounds. However, a better solution is to replace the soda, with calorie-free water and three servings of low-fat or fat-free milk per day.

According to an article published in 2005 by “American Academy of Family Physicians,” consuming soft drinks on a regular basis may also contribute to a higher risk of developing diabetes. The sweeteners and caramel coloring added to soft drinks, may decrease insulin sensitivity. Since drinking soda adds sugar and calories to the diet, it may also raise the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, which raises the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Ingesting sugar can contribute to tooth decay because acid is produced when bacteria enters the mouth and mixes with sugar. When the acid attacks the teeth for 20 minutes or more and causes plaque buildup on the teeth and gums, it leads to tooth decay. 


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