Why is it said that American kestrels are good hunters?

The American kestrel is the smallest and most common falcon in North America. It is also known as sparrow hawk. This bird is commonly used in falconry, especially by beginners.

American kestrels often hunt as a family group and this gives the younger ones a chance to practise before they have to survive on their own. They hunt the prey from a perch. After catching their prey, kestrels will carry it up to a perch from which they can comfortably eat. This also helps them to evade ground predators. They feed mainly on insects, mice, voles, lizards, and snakes. These birds are sometimes kept in agricultural fields to keep away animals that might damage the crops.

The wings of an American kestrel are slim and pointed. They have long square-tipped tails. They usually fly with their wings swept back. They are known for quick and buoyant flights.

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