Why is the secretary bird unique?

Distinguished by its long legs and a dramatic black crest, the secretary bird lives in Africa’s savannas, grasslands, and shrubs. It is four feet tall and flies only when necessary. Two black tail feathers protrude from its grey plumage. Its head is usually bare and is yellow or orange in colour. It moves around on foot and has thick scales which protect it from snake bite.

The secretary bird preys on insects such as locusts and beetles, mammals ranging in size from mice to hares and mongoose, crabs, lizards, snakes, tortoises, and small birds. It does not hesitate to feast on bird eggs, and sometimes dead animals killed in grass or bush fires. It generally swallows its prey as a whole.

Though the populations of secretary birds are spread across a large area, their numbers are generally declining. This bird is therefore classified as vulnerable by the IUCN.

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