What do we know about the Philippine eagle?

The Philippine eagle is known as the monkey-eating eagle because people believed that this bird preyed on monkeys. Contrary to this popular belief, the Philippine eagle does not eat monkeys though it preys on a range of animals including rodents, bats, snakes, and pigs.

The Philippine eagle is endemic to the Philippines. This bird is recognized as the national bird of the country. It can be identified by its brown and white-coloured plumage and a shaggy crest. It is an apex predator and like many other predators, it is opportunistic. Its choice of food depends on availability and ease of catching prey.

Philippine eagles use two techniques to hunt- still hunting and perch hunting. They either watch for prey while sitting almost motionlessly on trees, or periodically gliding from one perch to another. The population of the Philippine eagle is declining due to loss of habitat and other human intervention. It is categorized as critically endangered by the IUCN.

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