Why is the African white-backed vulture special?

With broad wings, bald head and a short tail, the African white-backed vulture is Africa’s most common large vulture. The white feathers on its rump contrasts with its dark plumage.

White-backed vultures circle the sky looking for food; they search for prey by soaring far and wide. They have a sharp vision that helps them in spotting a meal. Once a vulture detects a carcass, it signals other vultures by wheeling in the sky. They make chittering and squeaking noises similar to that of a pig upon finding food. Their beaks do not have the capacity to rip through tough meat, as a result of which they can only eat animals that have soft tissue.

These vultures usually feed on large animals ranging from hippopotamuses to wildebeests to elephants, rhinos, and any other sizeable source of carrion. They also do not hesitate to venture into human habitats in search of dead livestock.

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