What is special about the hunting habits of electric eels?

There are three species of electric eels, all of which are found in the Amazon River and its tributaries. Though they have a snake-like appearance and the name says eel, electric eels are not eels. Their scientific classification is closer to carp and catfish.

These famous freshwater predators get their name from their enormous electrical charge. They have electric organs with about 6,000 specialized cells called electrocytes. These cells store power like tiny batteries. When threatened or attacking prey, these cells will discharge electricity simultaneously.

The shocked prey is stunned long enough to be sucked through the mouth directly to the stomach. Electric eels do not use electric charge all the time; sometimes they simply gulp the prey faster than it could react. The electrical discharges are also used to induce a twitching response in hidden prey that causes the prey to reveal its position.

Though most of their diet is made up of fish, electric eels also prey on other small amphibians.

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