What do we know about sea anemones?

Sea anemones are known for their beauty; with their spectacular white, green, blue or red patterns and circles of petal-like tentacles, sea anemones have the appearance of harmless underwater flowers. It is with this appearance that they manage to deceive a lot of marine creatures.

More than 1,000 sea anemone species are found throughout the world’s oceans at various depths in varying sizes- some are as small as half an inch, while others may grow up to a size of six feet! Warmer seas are home to the largest and most colourful sea anemones.

Sea anemones are close relatives of jellyfish and corals. They do not have a solid skeleton. Some species have adhesive-secreting structures and cover themselves with grains of sand, bits of shell, or other foreign objects. With their elastic bodies and venomous tentacles, they trap a range of marine creatures including small fish, shrimps and crabs.

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