Why is the walrus a unique predator?

The walrus has a unique look with a long tusk and a moustache. It is usually found in the Arctic Circle, basking along with its companions. Though it is extremely sociable and playful, a walrus can be really aggressive during the mating season.

The diet of a walrus usually consists of clams and mussels. It occasionally includes fish and even small seals. It roots along the ocean floor with its tusk and identifies its prey with its whiskers.

The walrus has an iconic tusk which it uses for a variety of reasons. It is used to haul its enormous body out of frigid waters, and to break breathing holes into ice from below. But it is not used to dig up food.

Walruses usually live in large groups numbering up to a hundred and above. They occupy the coasts and margins of ice shelves, where they periodically haul themselves onto beaches and ice floes to rest and bask.

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