Why is the California sea lion a successful hunter?

Sea lions are relatives of seals and walruses. They can be distinguished by their external ear flaps, long fore-flippers, short, thick hair, and a big chest and belly. Their strong flippers and streamlined body make them well-adapted to the aquatic way of life.

California sea lions are known for their intelligence, playfulness, and noisy barking. Keeping their playfulness aside, they are skilled hunters – they can hunt continuously for up to 30 hours!

California sea lions are also known to cooperate with other predators like dolphins while hunting large schools of fish. They prey on a wide variety of seafood, mainly squid and fish, and sometimes clam. The fish and squid species they commonly eat include salmon, hake, Pacific whiting, anchovy, herring, rockfish, lamprey, dogfish, and market squid. Depending on how much food is available, they either eat alone or in groups.

California sea lions aren’t normally dangerous to humans, and attacks are uncommon, but they are large and unpredictable wild animals with sharp teeth; so it’s better to maintain a healthy distance!

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