What makes the great white shark one of the most terrible predatory fish?

The great white shark is always viewed with fear. It is the largest predatory fish in the world. It is known to be an aggressive predator.

It preys on huge marine mammals including large seals, dolphins and even large baleen whales. It sometimes feeds on dead whales too. It is interesting to note that a great white shark does not chew its food though it has 300 teeth.

Great white sharks have white underbellies and slate-grey upper bodies that blend in with the rocky coastal sea floor. With their muscular bodies they can chase down some of the fastest swimmers in the ocean. They even have organs that can sense the tiny electromagnetic fields generated by animals. While feeding, they rip their prey into mouth-sized pieces which are swallowed later.

It is not easy to keep great white sharks in captivity; they need to travel long distances for seasonal migration and have an extremely demanding diet which make it difficult for them to survive in captivity. Great white sharks are not preyed on, except by killer whales on rare occasions.

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