How does a quoll catch its prey?

Quolls look adorable, but don’t let their pink noses and thick, soft fur fool you! Quolls aren’t much like cats at all; they are tree-climbing, den-dwelling marsupials and are skilled hunters.

Quolls are nocturnal; they sleep off most of the day in their dens and actively forage at night. They are carnivorous in nature. While the smaller quolls primarily eat insects, birds, frogs, lizards and fruits, the larger species prefer to eat birds, reptiles, and mammals, including echidnas and possums.

Stalking is the technique used by quolis to hunt. They might leap or pounce on the prey depending on its size. They jump onto larger prey, sinking in their claws and closing their jaws around the neck. If the prey is of a smaller size, they pin it down with their front paws. Remember the Tasmanian Devil that we talked about earlier? Quolls even snatch food from the Tasmanian Devil.

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