Why is it said that meerkats are pack hunters?

The meerkat is a member of the mongoose family, usually found in southwestern Africa. Meerkats can be recognized from the position in which they stand; they often stand on their rear legs. Mother Meerkats are skilled to feed their babies while standing like this.

Meerkats usually live in packs ranging from three to twenty-five in number. They live in burrows with multiple entrances. They usually hunt in packs.

Some meerkats serve as lookouts watching for birds that could be snatched from the ground. A few of them will be busy guarding the pack while the rest look for prey. They prey on beetles, caterpillars, termites, spiders, scorpions, lizards, birds, small snakes, and rodent.

The prey is primarily located by smell.

Often, a meerkat gives out a sharp, shrill call which is the signal for all to take cover. Purring sounds are also used for communication while hunting. Meerkats can be tamed easily; therefore, they are often kept as pets to kill rodents.